Everything To Know About Table Tennis Table

The table tennis game was originated in England as an amusement for dinner for upper-class people. They used a line of books as a net, a rounded top of champagne cork of string as a ball, and cigar boss as a paddle. It was mainly evolved into a modern game that became extremely popular all over the world. It was controlled by the international table tennis federation founded in 1926, and since 1998 table tennis has become an Olympics sport that included 4 events such as women’s singles,  men’s singles, women’s team, and men’s team.

It was played on a 9 ft*5 ft*30 inches playing surface. The International Tennis federation needs a minimum of 14 meters long, 5 meters height, and 7 meters wide. It gets easily fitted into every home.

What to look at before acting table tennis table?

The most important thing that you need to do before moving to a table tennis table shop to buy a  tennis table is the top’s thickness. Top ranges in thickness from half inches to 1 Inch. The playing surface should be 19 mm thick or 3/4 inches. Most of the table tennis tops are mainly constructed from particleboard. Any of the measurements of lesser thickness can wrap easily and will not provide consistent ball bounce. Some of the particleboards are better than others. It would help if you always looked for a medium-density board that can offer a higher percentage of resin inboard by providing better wrap resistance and bounce.

When a ball is dropped from 30 cm, then it should bounce at least 21 cm. It is very important to have a finishing surface, and a good table contains several layers of finishing that enhances bounces and resist fading. Most of the ping pong tables contain wooden place surfaces, which is great for most players. Still, it is never recommended for the excessive humidity, outdoor use, temperature, or moisture extremes. Weatherproof aluminum surfaces are becoming more popular as these types of the top incorporate wooden core that are sealed inside aluminum shell m This helps to make them completely weatherproof by allowing for outdoor purposes m These are mainly engineered to resist wrapping.

The frame present under the place surface is also critical for having the table’s durability. Some of the cheap tables utilize this galvanized and aluminum tubing. It would help if you always looked for a table that can be folded and stored compactly. These are some of the features that you need to consider before choosing the best table tennis table. So get the best table and enjoy playing it.

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